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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]February is the shortest month of the year, but that doesn’t mean there is not much to tackle to reward you with the lovely charm simple home improvement tasks can make.

Here are six home improvement tasks you can do to get a good-looking, cozy space you’ll love to return to at the end of every day.

1. Clean Entryways, Sidewalks, and Driveway

Dust and grime at entryways, sidewalks, and the driveway of your home may have piled up after several months. Add this, and you might have an untidy situation. There is no better time to clean up and replace rugs or doormats than now.

For some states, snow and ice might have left surfaces wet and slippery. Be sure the surfaces are dry and safe for everyone. Handrails and steps should also be checked, and make any needed repairs to prevent accidents.

Schedule the general clean-up to include those dirty boots and jackets. Scrub the floor and vacuum dirt from areas that are often left from sweeping. Ensure that mud stains are cleaned, and entryways are clear of any dirt.

February might be your best time to start cleaning up the mess from the busy holidays. It is a great opportunity to freshen up your entryways, sidewalks, and driveways and get the feeling of a fresh start to the year and a look into spring.

2. Clean The Dryer Vents and Housing 

A dryer vent is a key to the operation of your clothes dryer. For a dryer vent to function properly, it needs to be kept clean of lint and any debris and in good condition. A dryer that is dirty and not well-maintained cannot dry clothes as well and can be a potential cause of fire at home.

There are easy ways to clean the dryer vent. Use your vacuum, and clear any dirt from the lint trap filter. The lint trap housing also needs to be vacuumed and brushed to remove all the excess lint.

3. Replace the Furnace Filter

Air quality is important inside the home. The air filter on your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system needs to be replaced regularly, or at least every 1-3 months, to maintain the air quality in the home. Get a high-quality air filter that can efficiently remove air particles such as mold, pollen, and other tiny particles in the air.

The primary function of the furnace filter is to trap air particles to keep them out of the heating and cooling system. As a result, when airborne contaminants are filtered, it also improves the air quality inside a home.

4. Degrease kitchen appliances, cabinets, and hood range fans

A kitchen is always a busy area in the home. Kitchen appliances, cabinets, and range hoods are expected to accumulate dirt and grease over time. This is why it is important to keep them clean and tidy as regularly as possible, as this is where food is prepared.

Range hoods are there to improve ventilation inside the kitchen. They filter air, smoke, odor, grease, and fumes. This means they collect a good amount of dirt and grease, and they need to be cleaned often.

Before you start cleaning, be sure to turn the appliances off and remove the power cord from the source. Clean the range hood from the inside out. You can use citrus-based cleaners as they are natural and often better options than using harsh chemicals. Ensure that the top, sides, and underneath are not overlooked. When cleaning, observe safety precautions. Wear gloves and be mindful of the edges that can cause injury.

You can use hot water and soap or a cleaner to remove the grease from the kitchen appliances, cabinets, and stovetops. If you are going to use cleaning chemicals, be sure to read and follow the instructions carefully and use them with caution.

5. Check for leaks and cracks

Leaks inside the home can damage home construction when they go unnoticed. Leaks can also cause molds to grow and damage walls, floors, and insulation.

There are a few usual locations at home where you can check for leaks. You can check for roof leaks, toilet leaks, faucet plumbing drips, water heater leaks, and appliance hose leaks. It can be very easy to locate leaks, especially when it starts raining. But, if it is difficult for you to do this job, you can always call on experts who are more skilled in identifying these problems. They can thoroughly inspect your home and can make recommendations on how to address the issues.

A regular schedule of inspections at home can help you spot potential issues early on and resolve them as soon as possible. Make a plan to include the plumbing system as part of the inspection as well as the roof. Scheduling a regular inspection for house maintenance can save you money and time and prevent bigger issues in the long run. It will allow you to focus on addressing any issues before they get out of hand.

6. Give Your Mattress Some Love

Good sleep can be attributed to the quality of the mattresses and bed sheets you sleep on. It is important to maintain clean mattresses as they affect your sleep and may cause illnesses when they are not well-maintained.

Prevent your mattresses from sagging by flipping and rotating them regularly. Rotating and flipping promote an even distribution of pressure and prevent them from forming a depression in the mattresses. Maintaining the right form of the mattress and keeping it clean is a necessary part of mattress care and maintenance.

To keep mattresses clean and prevent a breeding ground of bacteria and other harmful allergens, by vacuuming them regularly or use a plastic mattress protector. Vacuuming helps to keep dust and bugs away and improves the quality of sleep while preventing illnesses. Dust and other harmful particles can be in the form of dead skin cells and other small particles. Change and wash sheets regularly. Insecticides can also be used to keep bugs away and prevent mold infestation. For stains, do spot-cleaning by using a stain remover.

7. Put Up Flower Decors

Flower arrangements or decorations can change the whole mood of a space. It gives out a positive vibe and promotes peaceful relaxation. It also encourages creative thinking and even socialization. It transforms a space that is more livable and invigorating.

Beautiful flower decorations at home are a treat to the people living in the house. Whether they be real or faux, it can put vibrant colors into your house. A well-put-together arrangement in a space can reduce stress and tension. As a starter, find decorations that are easy to acquire and maintain. Consider the location of the decoration that fits into an overall setting. If you opt for faux flowers, know where to purchase quality permanent ornaments. Find the ones that look more natural and can last for a long time. You want to put them in small groupings and with different vases to create variety and versatility.

If you or someone you know is looking to buy or sell and needs a home inspection, please be sure to consider Idaho Elite Inspection Team. In addition, you can call (208) 268-8350 or visit our website for more information or schedule your inspection services today.

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